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Empowering Into Your Excellent Performance

Welcome to MPowerment Training & Consulting



Designed to organization needs, using In-house and online training for a new way to achieve organization goals.



Helping companies to achieve sustainable results by empowering people and improving systems and processes.



Assisting clients in the process of implementing the results of the consultation along with evaluations and corrective steps needed...


Business Process

Helping to build a structured collection of interrelated activities or work to solve a particular problem or produce a product or service.

Reach Our Experts

(+62) 813 - 9949 - 9889

Initiated by the professionals with multi years experience in Financial, Consumer and Retail Industry such as Banking, Insurance, Finance Coy non Bank, Consumer Product, Hospitality, Foodservice & Government.

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We Ensure Quality Services for Our Clients

Business Process

Most of the people choose MPowerMent Consulting

We are committed to serve our client professionally with integrity, honesty and openness.

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Method Of Work

To ensure the objectives of the people development program can be achieved, the
following stages of the program we design according to the needs of the client
and the demands of the latest industry:


In this first stage we will explore client needs and goals using various consulting tools

Clearance & Analysis

Deep discussion & reconfirmation with clients will be a key to understand client problems


All data and information from clients wil be integrated into sumary assignment that would be validated & revised until it become the final data (finalization)


All data and information from clients wil be integrated into sumary assignment that would be validated & revised until it become the final data (finalization)

Accompainment method

Mpowerment will continue its role for becoming clients counterpart when they start to implement their strategy & actions

Post Profiling & evaluation

We will conduct post profiling & evaluation after the implementation of clients actions


Mpowerment will provide all reporting as a result of the implementation and evaluation to the client

Company Testimonials

What They’re Saying

"Saya sangat puas dengan pengalaman berharga yang saya dapatkan dari Mpowerment. Konsultansi yang diselenggarakan sangat terstruktur dan fokus pada pengembangan branding perusahaan. Mereka memiliki tim yang sangat kompeten dan penuh dedikasi untuk membantu client mencapai tujuan mereka . Terima kasih kepada Tim MPowerment yang luar biasa!"

Andrea Indriyani Co Founder

"Kami sangat terkesan dengan pelatihan dari MPowerment. Mereka mengambil pendekatan yang sangat nyaman dan kustomisasi pelatihan sesuai dengan kebutuhan unik kami. Instruktur mereka memiliki pemahaman mendalam tentang industri kami dan memberikan wawasan berharga yang dapat langsung diterapkan dalam operasional sehari-hari. Kami merasa lebih siap menghadapi persaingan bisnis setelah mengikuti pelatihan dari Mpowerment."

Batara Putra Nugraha Kepala Cabang

"Pelatihan perusahaan konsultan ini luar biasa! Saya sangat terkesan dengan profesionalisme dan dedikasi instruktur mereka. Materi pelatihannya sangat relevan dengan kebutuhan industri kami, dan mereka memberikan wawasan yang sangat berharga untuk pengembangan keterampilan kami. Saya merasa lebih percaya diri dalam menghadapi tugas-tugas yang menantang setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini."

Maya Katarina Co Founder

"Saya sangat terkesan dengan cara mereka menyampaikan materi secara menarik dan mudah dipahami.Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, saya merasa memiliki skill baru yang dapat saya terapkan dalam pekerjaan sehari-hari."

Arina Susanti Co Founder

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    Hello world! Good News

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